Saturday, July 26, 2008

my days in Malacca 24th to 25th July 2008, esp.UMBAI ma..

atikah junior is in..

this is my 3rd time out station after 3 weeks transferred to IR dept. my first week was a trip to my hometown, Kuala Terengganu for a court hearing, my 2nd week was a trip to Ipoh attending a meeting and currently last 2 days to Malacca for preparing witness statement, quite tiring but very EXCITING and INTERESTING!!
my stays at Renaissance was more or less like Primula Resort in Terengganu and Casuarina Impiana at Ipoh, BUT there was something different about being in Malacca..
it was GREAT! i went to Umbai, yummy..ikan masak stim thai, ikan masak 3 rasa, ikan bakar pedas, fuh..u cant afford to miss it..
kawan2, len kali kita pegi sama2 k..